Monday, 20 August 2012

Making "Accordian-Folded" mini-watercolor books

I learned how to make these Watercolor Folder "Mini-Books" --easy to slip into your purse -- from Brenda (a friend from Watercolor Journaling Class).  She is a "dear" person and reads lips perfectly to learn at Class.  She had one of these that she had made and I loved making them.  As you can see, you can make up your own sizes.   Let's see, how many Watercolor Journals do I have now???? 
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"Loose" Watercolor

This is from one of our Watercolor Journal Classes last week in Bay View, Michigan with Catherine Carey.  It  was a fun week as I mentioned above--getting together again with friends from past classes!  I don't know how to post 2 pictures at once, so I will post again above :-)  I need some "Techie" Blog help !!!
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Thursday, 9 August 2012

Red Geraniums on my Deck

I thought I would sketch/watercolor my Geraniums that are sitting in the Wrought Iron Stand on our Deck.  We are going Up North on Sunday--and when I return, they may not look quite the same :-(
All of our flowers will be "on their own" while we are away....the Grandkids could come over and water, but
the summer is almost "spent" and so are a lot of our other flowers.  In fact, 2 days ago, we looked out back at our "Million Belles" plants (hanging on a double hook-type holder), and there on the Deck railing was a Ground Hog eating off every one of the blossoms--Wish I had a BB gun!  No wonder they are so Fat!!!
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Sunday, 5 August 2012

The Iron Gate (Also known as "Beverly's Gate!")

I just had to post this gate that I painted a few years ago (up in Bay View, Michigan) at our Journaling Class.  Catherine Carey posted her version this week and it was so-oo simply done and beautiful.  I am always struggling with "painting too many details."  Anyway, this is a lovely spot and the flowers are gorgeous.
BTW, I'm glad you liked your wc painting on the front of my freshly-bound book, Catherine :-)
I love it!
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